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RS MEDICAL Brand was registered in the country's intellectual property registration office in 2018. As the first and most well-known trademark of Ravon Sazeh, this brand includes a wide and diverse range of infertility treatment products.
The Fertilite brand was registered in the Intellectual Property Registration Office in 2020 and a variety of cultivated media produced by this company are marketed under the trademark of Fertilite.
Products of the "Gynecology - Infertility" product group are produced and marketed under the Repronext trademark. This brand was registered in the country's intellectual property registration office in 2019.
This trademark was registered in the country's intellectual property registration office in 1400. The research and development team of the company is trying to bring the products related to the field of stem cells to the stage of mass production and supply to the market in the near future under this trademark.
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