Ovum Aspiration Needle Single Lumen
Ovum Aspiration Needle Single Lumen Abstract Application: for egg aspiration by laparoscopic method or transvaginal aspiration with the help of ultrasted and egg flushing from ovarian follicles
General information
Application: for egg aspiration by laparoscopic method or transvaginal aspiration with the help of ultrasted and egg flushing from ovarian follicles
Conditions and duration of storage: This device is provided for one time use and is sterile and should be kept at room temperature and away from direct sunlight. If the sterile packaging is open or there is any damage in it, strictly avoid using the product. The lifespan of the product is 3 years from the date of production.
Contents: stainless steel single channel needle with vacuum tube
Ingredients: This product contains bicarbonate buffer, glucose, lactate, pyruvate and all the amino acids needed to support the growth and development of the human embryo in laboratory conditions.
The efficiency of the following protocol for laparoscopic egg aspiration or transvaginal aspiration with the help of ultrasted and egg flushing from the ovarian follicles and this protocol is presented only as an example:
The process of transvaginal aspiration of eggs with the help of ultrasound
1- The patient should be placed in the lithotomy position on the surgical bed and local or general anesthesia should be performed according to the doctor's opinion.
2- Take the needle out of the package carefully and maintaining sterile conditions.
3- The needle should be checked for the sharpness of its tip and the integrity of the tube connected to it.
4- Connect the needle tube to the vacuum pump. Choosing the amount of vacuum to be used with a special needle gauge or type of needle should be done at the discretion of the attending physician.
5- The needle set should be connected to the collection tube by means of a silicone holder (this holder is designed for a 14 ml tube).
6- To ensure that the aspiration path is open, the tip of the needle is placed in a tube containing 5 ml of culture medium and a vacuum is applied.
7- To observe the ovary and follicles, the ultrasound probe should be inserted into the vaginal fornix and suitable follicles for aspiration should be identified. The presence of blood vessels inside and around the ovary is checked and a direct path to the ovarian follicle is chosen.
8- The aspiration needle should be placed inside the needle guide of the ultrasound probe. Ensure that the tube is not twisted during use. The vaginal wall should be pierced by an aspiration needle or a guide needle (if used). If a guide needle is used, the aspiration needle should be placed further to puncture the follicle.
9- After observing the desired follicle on the ultrasound monitor, adjust the location of the follicle using the guide needle and insert the aspiration needle into the center of the follicle with a quick movement. The indentation of the handle indicates the placement of the diagonal tip of the needle and also makes it easier to maintain the needle.
10- Apply vacuum to aspirate the contents of the follicle into the collection tube. At the same time as the follicle is drained, the tip of the needle should be rotated inside the follicle in order to curet the follicle wall. If flushing is needed, use the following protocol.
11- Steps 9 and 10 should be done for the rest of the follicle.
How to flush the follicle:
A) Use a non-toxic sterile syringe with follicle flushing buffer. Flushing should be done through aspiration.
B) In the state where the tip of the needle is inside the emptied follicle, slowly (at a speed of 1-2 ml/s) the flushing medium is injected until the follicle is refilled.
C) If the Silsconi retainer has been removed, it should be connected to a tube again and aspiration of the follicle content should be performed.
12- Remove the needle and insert the ultrasound probe again to observe the ovary on the opposite side.
13- Steps 8 to 10 should be repeated.
14- After completing the aspiration, the needle is removed from the ultrasound guide and washed in the flushing buffer and then disposed of in the appropriate manner for sharp objects.
Oocyte aspiration process by laparoscopic method
1- The patient should be placed in the lithotomy position.
2-Steps 2 to 6 of the process of transvaginal egg aspiration should be repeated with the help of ultrasound.
3- With the help of a laparoscopic guide, a small incision is made on the skin to help place the trocar/cannula.
4-Needle or trocar should be placed in the desired position through the abdominal wall. If a trocar is used, the trocar should be removed when the cannula is in place.
5- With laparoscopic observation, the needle is placed in place through the cannula of the abdominal wall and the tip of the needle enters the ovarian follicle.
6- Use a vacuum pump to perform aspiration or flushing of the follicle to harvest the egg.
7- Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the remaining follicles and ovaries on the opposite side.
8- When the desired number of eggs have been aspirated, the needle should be removed and after washing, the tip should be disposed of in a suitable way.
1- In case of incorrect use, this device can lead to injuries caused by the needle stick.
Note: To avoid aspirating air into the needle, if possible, keep its tip inside the ovarian stroma or follicle during the process. This action prevents the possible damage to the egg and the formation of foam inside the collection tube. Due to the possibility of piercing the wall of the full bladder by the needle during transvaginal aspiration with the help of ultrasound, there is a possibility of hematuria. This event will disappear after a day. If the needle passes through the bladder wall, there is a possibility of urine leaking into the ventricular area. In this case, the patient should be monitored, but usually there are no side effects related to this event. If an infection is accidentally transmitted through a needle, there is a possibility of urinary tract infection (UTI), pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), uterine infection, or cystitis. Vaginal bleeding has been reported in cases of egg aspiration by transvaginal method. Bleeding can usually be easily controlled with direct pressure.